Losing your job happens to good people.
Finding your ideal next career happens to
SMART people.
If you’re like other successful people struggling with job loss, it's not your fault.
The current conditions have changed the playing field 100% and it's time for you to take control so that you can take action.
The problem you face today:
Out of work, rising unemployment, slow-to-no hiring practices and an economic crisis, America 2021 & beyond…
Your career is more than just a paycheck: it's a large part of your identity, plans, opportunities, and family's stability. How can you make any plans without a guarantee you can afford to follow through? We've seen unemployment go from an average of 3-4 months to 6-8 months and climbing. Add to this a global pandemic, and all bets are off. Uncertainty has become the new norm.
Imagine yourself just a few short weeks from today…
You’re more confident than you’ve ever been, you know exactly what you want, what actions you need to be doing, and where your career is going. You’re living life fully again, making plans with things to look forward to. The dark cloud of "no job" has passed, and you’re enjoying time with your family and friends. It feels great to be on top again!
You may have already found exactly the job you were hoping to land. Or, you’ve gone on several solid interviews where you left knowing that you shined. Feeling sure the next step was up to you. Yes or No. Your choice.
The coolest thing? Your confidence is back in spades. The certainty of knowing you’re truly qualified, you’re connecting with companies you want to be a part of, and you know exactly what you want. Priceless. You’re in charge, and it feels right.
All of this and more is what the Digital Career Coaching Program will do for you. You’ll learn how to navigate the current job market, how to bypass gatekeepers most job applicants aren’t even aware of, and how to put this knowledge work for you, quickly and easily. Grow your awareness of what the market demands today, and you’ll be writing your job ticket. Congratulations, you’re now in the top 1%.
With the Career Matters Digital Coaching Program the job you desire is just around the corner…
Matthew G.
I was connected to career coaching at just the right time. My life was in an upheaval after I’d stepped away from an 18-year career not knowing what was next. The insights, resources, and support helped me navigate through to a much better day. I highly recommend career coaching.
Suzanne S.
I can say with complete conviction that I would not have landed my job without my coach Mauri, who is a part of this Digital Coaching Program. Her advice made all the difference, unfortunately, due to COVID and back in the job market. And once again, taking advantage of coaching to get another position, even in this tight economy, having a coach's expertise along in your search will make it even better.
Phillip P.
The tips I picked up for LinkedIn from the Career Matters Digital Course made all the difference! Even in the middle of the pandemic I went from laid off to a perfect position, in less than 90 days! I even took a time to appreciate the time off.
Career Matters Digital Coaching Program
We took the expertise of our top Career Coaches. Then we married it to the over 16 years TurnKey Coaching Solutions has worked with the best C-suite executives globally, executives from companies like Microsoft, Costco, and Pfizer. Then we added the expertise that corporate clients invest hundreds of thousands of dollars to train executives and HR departments. Add to this the experience of our hand-picked Career Coaches, and we've created a digital course that is entirely relevant for today's unpredictable job market.
What You Get When You Sign Up
Career Matters is a collaborative project of 12 highly successful Career Coaches and 16 years of experience at TurnKey Coaching Solutions, coaches to the top C-suite executives in the world. This program provides you with unbelievable access to carefully curated materials and information that you simply won’t find anywhere else.
This program includes 9 different modules that will prepare for every step of the road ahead. From navigating jobless to using your strengths to position yourself for your dream career, each module was carefully curated by the best of the best.
Rest assured that no detail was left out in this extensive and life-saving course!
You’re in the right place.
There are probably 100’s of “Get a Career Course” out there these days. BUT, the reality is these courses are created because of a currently perceived need, kind of a get-rich-quick scheme. They throw in the basics with maybe a gem or two sprinkled throughout the course, and call it done. Want to know a secret? When you work with the best, you get the best results. Every time. That is the reason we brought in our top coaches to create this course. You get what you pay for.
You're different and so are we.
We took the gems from the C-Suite knowledge base and distilled them down into best in class. With our User friendly modules, you pick your own path (because we're all starting at different places in this new “normal”). Everyone comes into the job search market from a different perspective. You could have been at your last company for 40 years, 15 years or 6 months. Where you're starting from now, makes a difference in what you need to know today so that you're on the right career trajectory, ASAP.
Many roads to the same destination. Hired.
You choose what you need to learn, at the pace that works for you. Just like all 1000’s of CEO’s we’ve coached over the last 16 years, you're on your own path. You choose which modules to focus on and what your next move is - it’s your game. We're here to give you the training, moves and know-how you need to succeed.
What makes this experience so unique?
You can hire someone to write your resume, and they'll probably do an OK job. You can find a recruiter to help you with your job search (but how do you know who to trust?). And the internet is filled with tutorials, videos, blogs, info graphics, and articles on how to land your dream job. But, who is sharing their knowledge? Someone who is posting "expert suggestions" while still looking for a position? It's time to turn to a team with thousands of hours of experience in their pocket.
Your time is money
Don't waste your valuable time searching for information when you'll just come up short, or even worse, get bad advice.
We're called TurnKey for a reason. Nowhere else will you find a career creation package this comprehensive. From being walked out the door in your old job to strolling into your new office, we have you covered, 100%.
Jessica W.
I’m fast tracking my career and don’t have time to waste.
Initially, the idea of changing my career was daunting but the writing was on the wall, I’d survived two rounds of layoffs, but the company was still in trouble. I wasn’t waiting around, I’m serious about getting ahead and doing it right. I bought the Career Matters Course and upgraded to a VIP, because that’s the way I roll :) After one coaching session, I was more positive and motivated than I had all year. Now I have a clear direction of what I need to do and exactly what comes next.
Bickley W.
I started working with the Digital Matters coach when it began to feel like I was off track...
...and didn’t know what the next best steps would be. After a complete assessment, it was determined what wasn’t working, and they created a direction and plan. I now know the exact next steps and where to go. My coach has helped so much and is quite amazing!
Dan H.
I'm the only breadwinner in my family.
I’ve learned so much in this course. What was really cool it is how the program started with just helping me with first things first. I was pretty shaken up about being laid off and not having an income for the first time in my life. The course showed me how to get organized around my finances and so I used the checklists and systematically went through my bills, my creditors and my expenses and just the act of managing all that in an organized fashion made me feel in charge of my life again.
I highly recommend taking action and taking this course!
This program covers every step you need to succeed in your job search. We bring your career success front and center.
Each module in the 9 module series takes into consideration exactly where you are in the job search process. From "new in the market" to what feels like a lifetime of looking, you'll be able to follow the exact path that works for you and your needs today.
Module 1: Introduction & Creating A Strong Foundation
Every great plan begins with a strong foundation. This module introduces you to the Digital Career Course process and then gets you started, strong. When you have a strong foundation and the right path to follow magic happens, quickly!
I don't believe that I would have gotten this far, this quickly without the help of this course. If I had a friend who was stuck, this course is something that I definitely recommend they look into. We're all in different parts of our life and I can honestly say that this year, despite everything this has been one of the best years in the last 10 years of my life by far. I definitely recommend that people give this a go.
Module 2: Job Loss and Resilience
Losing your job is one of the most stressful situations we experience in life. Layer on the stress of a global pandemic, and it can be (almost) overwhelming. There are ways to handle the pressure, the finances, and the opportunities that can make job loss easier to navigate.
I’ve already used several of the other lessons and I’ve got an interview set up so I’m feeling very hopeful, and I’ve also started a side gig ... The fact that module 2 in the course helped me address my feelings of insecurity, and get organized to structure my job search, was really valuable. I know there are a lot of courses out there on how to find a job and how to write a resume and all that but this course is so well done, informative AND I’m really grateful it addresses all stressors and mindset factors that need to be handled. I highly recommend the program especially to anyone like me who is struggling with the emotions of it all and just needs to see themselves through the darkness.
Module 3: Career Positioning
There's finding a position, and then there's getting the right job. When you understand and apply your strengths, know precisely how to leverage them, and how to use Career-Pathing within your network, you'll get the job that's exactly right for you.
I now have a clear direction of what I need to do and exactly what comes next. In two short months the course and the coaching sessions opened doors and turned on lights that I didn't know existed. I am really proud of what I have been able to achieve, I’ve landed the perfect position for where I’m going next and I’ve hit 80% of my goals I set. (and I learned that 80% is OK) I’m feeling like a million dollars, if you’re ready to make big moves you should check out Career Matters Course and coaching!
Module 4: Job Marketing Materials
Your marketing materials are the heart of the job search and often reused, over and over. Surely if your resume worked the last time, it would work again? Strike one. Is a cover letter essential, and didn't you hear somewhere that adding keywords in a white font is a good idea...? Strike two. You can't afford three strikes; in this module, you'll learn to hit a home run over and over.
When I heard robots were screening my resume I lost it! I had a resume I got from a template online, and an impressive work history for a well-known insurance company. I joined the Career Matters course and upgraded to have a coach go over my resume with me personally. I found out that it was likely my resume that was precisely the problem and she explained how we were going to get through the applicant tracking system. I've received two job offers this week! Thank you Wendy and the Career Matters Course.
Module 5: Job Hunting Strategies
Time to pull it all together. You know you need to treat your job search like your job, but who does that? Our graduates do. With the right structure in place and your search organized correctly, you'll have ninja-like abilities; you'll be on track, and you'll never slip into the black hole of social media networking again.
I’ve learned a lot that I wasn’t expecting to learn. The Career/Personality tests were revealing - some good and some not so great - and actually showed me things about myself I didn’t realize, but made me understand the type of work environment I want to be in.
Module 6: Preparing for Selection
Has the interview process changed? Let us count the ways! New interview tactics are just a small part of the job search landscape in 2021 and beyond, including; how to negotiate from a place of power if you've been out of work for months. What interviewers and the HR department are looking at when they give you one of the many pre-employment assessments. In this module, we pull back the curtain to look at what is going on behind the scenes.
I was very serious about doing this course. I had already invested the money, so I was going to get everything I possibly could out of it. My favorite module was the one on career positioning. It was super eye opening for me. I've had a series of jobs that I thought were just big pieces of my career puzzle only to realize now that I was not managing my career at all, I was just managing jobs.
Module 7: Ensure Your Career Success
Corporate culture is not a buzz word: it's what you need to embrace and understand if you plan to create and navigate a career path that takes you where you want to go for a very long time. How to onboard, fit in, and stay true to yourself.
I never paid attention to what happened around me in my previous job, I just did my job and focused 100% on it. When I was laid off in the second round of lay-offs, I couldn't believe it. I'd been at that company for 18 years. Now I know that it's up to me to understand the culture of the company, not just the job. When I put what I've learned into practice, I KNOW I made a great first and second impression. Got the job!
Module 8: Recent College Grads or New to the Job Market
Graduates face the worse job market in well over a decade, which means you need to be exceptional and be exceptionally knowable about what works to land that position. Chances are very high that someone will get the job, and it will be one of our grads. If you're new to the market, maybe your family needs a second paycheck, there's been a divorce, or other forced reason, dig in and learn with the best. You'll be landing interviews even with no work history.
I never thought I'd take a course on how to get a job, I’m on my computer 24/7 and know how to find anything on the web. There was conflicting information everywhere. Buying this course was a push. My last position was a good paying, fun gig, but they crashed when the market started having trouble. Even though buying this course was a big stretch, it’s one of the smartest investments I’ve ever made in myself. If you’re open to learning and trying new things you should check out The Career Matter Course.
Module 9: Be a VIP
Often, the quickest path to what we want is to hire an expert, the big guns! If you're going to move fast, you need a second opinion. Or, you're negotiating the absolute best offer you can, a career coach in your corner will make all the difference. Within the Career Coaching Program, you have resources. From someone to help you rewrite a resume to a LinkedIn profile audit or a 1:1 career coach that can change your potential earning trajectory, learn more about your options and how to work with a coach in this module.
From the coaches who opened my eyes on how hiring management really works, to whoever wrote the modules, thanks. I did the course like it was my new job and it paid off, handsomely. I’m moving to my dream city and making more! Thank you coach. I didn’t think I needed help with interview skills but things change in the market and I learned so many subtle things that worked for the interviews and I’m going to be using everything I learned to sell more too because I’ve fine tuned my skills across the board. PS I'll never let an AI gatekeeper stand in the way of what I want again! Thanks.
Meet Your A-Team
Over the past 16 years, we have specialized in providing executive coaching, learning, and development to Fortune 500 companies. With clients such as Microsoft Licensing, CostCo, JP Morgan Chase, and AAA, TurnKey focuses on upgrading professional environments.
Now, we’ve taken the best of the best in the field of coaching to create a personalized approach for you to help you stand out and land your dream career in the middle of a global crisis.
Our coaches have dedicated their careers to helping clients get the job that they want, and create the career path to continue to grow from one position to another.
This program is guaranteed to change your life.
I can say with complete conviction that I would not have landed my job without Mauri Schwartz. Her advice made all the difference, due to COVID I'm back in the job market. And once again, taking advantage of Mauri's coaching to get another position, she is both personable and pragmatic and builds community wherever she goes. She offers practical, actionable recommendations with inspiring positivity. Even in this tight economy, having Mauri along for your search will make it easier, I highly recommend her.
Dr. Mark Freeman guided and helped me on my career path from the beginning until now. As a top-notch career coach, he uses clear, concise teaching and coaching methods. Always full of energy and his quest for knowledge keeps him super current on techniques and theories.
Hi, my name is Pam. I've worked with my TurnKey Coach multiple times over the years to help manage my career, which has included helping me with my LinkedIn profile, helping me with my resume and helping me target my capabilities towards job opportunities, as well as helping me with my strategy to negotiate my salary and also to juggle multiple job offers and deal with tough challenges that arise. If you're in a period of transition I highly recommend their coaches.
Change the trajectory of your career
Digital Course with Lifetime Upgrades
Lifetime access to the Career Matters Digital Course including all upgrades and updates.
Isn't it time to take action?
Digital Course with Executive Upgrade**
Lifetime access to the Career Matters Digital Course including all updates and upgrades.
Includes all of the following:
Additional upgrades can be purchased a la carte
**Special 2021 Founder Price
Coaching Package:
Digital Course
& VIP Experience
Lifetime access to the Career Matters Digital Course including all updates and upgrades.
Includes all of the following:
30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
You're fully protected by our 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your digital course purchase*, for any reason at all, simply contact us within 30 days of purchase and our support staff will promptly issue a refund. *We do not offer money back on fulfilled coaching sessions.
A personal note from Wendy
Thank you so much for being here. Your career is one of the essential areas in your life, and we want to make sure that your career decisions work for you and your life decisions!
You won't find the combined expertise of our coaches anywhere else in the world. The knowledge of our coaches who have built this program is surpassed by none; our coaches have decades of career client coaching and corporate coaching.
We've been in your shoes from all sides - from helping on the hiring side of the job search to writing the HR manuals your interviewer is following, writing resumes and cover letters that shine, and sitting across the hiring table from job candidates - to even searching for a position ourselves and one time in the past.
We know hiring and what it takes to get the job.
We're here to help you in any way possible. And we hope you join us for our course, our coaching and our expert services. Please let us know how we can serve you.
I haven't heard of TurnKey Career Coaching before, can you tell me more? Since 2004, TurnKey Coaching Solutions has been working closely with executives at the top Fortune 500 companies. With clients like Microsoft, SpaceX, Pfizer, and Costco to name a few, we are very well known in the C-Suites. At the start of the global pandemic, Anisa Aven, CEO of TurnKey Coaching Solutions, met with the top executive coaches on her team to devise a plan to help Americans get back to work.
Handpicked from thousands of career coaches, the carefully assembled A-Team designed the Career Matters Digital and Personal Coaching Program: everything and anything you need to edge out the competition in this ever-changing and unstable job climate.
We know that everyone learns in a different manner and have taken care to tailor content to all learning types. You will find quizzes, videos, audios, workbooks, and more. Wether you are a visual, auditory, kinesthetic or reading learner, we have you covered in all fronts.
You're fully protected by our 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your digital course purchase*, for any reason at all, simply contact us within 30 days of purchase and our support staff will promptly issue a refund. *We do not offer money back on fulfilled coaching sessions.
You have lifetime access to the course and all updates and upgrades. When new modules, bonuses, and content are added you will have full access to everything. If you decide in five years you're ready to make a career change, we'll be here for you!
Career Coaches are trained to grow your career in all areas of career strategy. Learn more on our coaching page and schedule a complimentary session, HERE!
- Accelerate your job search
- Be strategic about your next role
- Negotiate improved compensation
- Gain confidence and clarity
- Address career or job-search blind spots
- Develop critical soft skills
- Craft a career plan for deliberate advancement
- Identify and develop your personal brand
- Create a powerful, relevant resume
- Stay on track. Eliminate procrastination.
- Develop masterful interviewing skills
- Evolve your career
- Learn to manage a bad boss or difficult co-worker
- Develop executive presence, regardless of role